The Red Light District Amsterdam is a beautiful area and the later it gets, the busier it gets.
And the darker it gets, the more obvious the glow of the fluorescent red lights above the many windows in the area becomes.
There are three red light disticts in Amsterdam. The biggest of these is Rosse Burt between Niuewenmarket and the Centraal Sration (sometimes refered to as Walletjes or De Wallen), is a maze of small alleys with old buildings that have been divided into 1 bedroom studios.
'De Wallen' also known as the Red Light District is one of the most famous districts in Amsterdam and a major tourist attraction. It is a network of alleys containing several hundred tiny one-room apartments rented by female prostitutes (and some ladyboys) who offer their services from behind a window. It also has a number of sex shops, sex theatres, peep shows, a sex museum, a cannabis museum and a number of coffee shops offering various cannabis products.

The occupants of the studios are sex workers, male and female who sell sex to sex tourists The workers, often minimally dressed, stand at windows or glass doors that open directly on to the street. The other two red light districts are De pijp behind the Rijksmuseum and at Singel between Raadhuistraat and the Central Station.
The price for the service provided by the girls in Red Light District can vary, depending on where the girls is situated, as well as how good she looks. Visitors will see very many types of girls so there is each for each taste. The most important thing for the ones willing to feel this pleasure closer is that in exchange for an amount of €50 one can spend 15 to 20 minutes next to a girl who will satisfy you with her best techniques. Nudeness may cost extra in some cases. Moreover, kissing on the lips may cost you extra as well. If you decide to spend one hour together with a prostitute in Red Light District then prepare yourself to spend at least €150.

Over 40% of Amsterdam sex workers work in traditional brothels which are private houses. The remainder work in sex clubs night clubs and through escort agencies.
A word of warning
Although the area is generally safe there are some things you should be aware of:
-The girls do not like to be photographed, if you take a photograph you risk a confrontation with one of the pimps.
-Do not buy drugs on the street, it is dangerous and you probably get fake stuff anyway.
-The area is generally safe, but be aware of pick pockets. Don't let your wallet hang out of your jeans and always keep an eye on your belongings when sitting at a cafe terrace. Use your common sense, like you should do in any city.
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